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We recommend that players, parents and coaches all take the time to read through this page as it provides important information about what players will need, how to sign up and our expectations.



​​Refund Policy: There are no refunds unless programming is forced to be cancelled due to lack of sufficient numbers. If this occurs Bowen Island FC will issue a full refund. If a player needs to withdraw from the program, BIFC will consider the circumstances and may offer a refund minus a $25.00 administration fee.

Financial Assistance: BIFC recognizes there are families in the community for whom registration fees pose a genuine financial hardship. We are an inclusive club and believe everyone should have the ability to play. If you are in need of a bursary, send an email to the, all requests will be kept strictly confidential.

Payment Options: To register click on the appropriate link on our registrations page. For payment options, BIFC prefers e-transfer to avoid members incurring credit card fees. To choose this option select pay offline when registering and send e-transfer to


Diversity, Inclusion and Equality: BIFC is proud to support LGBTQ2+ athletes. Our mission is to ensure that ALL children on Bowen Island who wish to are given the opportunity to play soccer where they feel they belong and are most comfortable. Please register your child to play on the team they best identify with. Our Technical Director and/or Registrar can help parents complete registration if they need support. Our coaches, board of directors, and staff will keep all information confidential if requested.



Bowen Island Football Club is a community-based football club which aims to undertake the following mission:

  • A life-long love for the beautiful game

  • Positive attitudes, constructive and reflective of good sportsmanship on and off the field ● A safe playing environment

  • Development of all players to their maximum potential by providing positive opportunities for all participants

  • Gender-equal opportunities to participate

  • Respect for fellow players, teams, game officials and for the laws of the game.

These principles are essential to the club because they reflect important qualities we wish to see in our community. We strive at every level and in every activity to embed these principles into the club’s activities.



Cost: $300 First Child / $250/ Second Child / $200 Third Child*

Eligible Birth Year: 2012 - 2017
Duration: September 2024 - March 2025

Games: Boys Divisions play games on Saturdays / Girls Division play games on Sundays. Games alternate between Home and Away each week.
Training: Teams practice once a week on weekdays after school (60-90 minutes)

Deadline: In order for us to commit to a place on a team, a player must be registered by June 22nd, 2024. 

Uniforms: All first time youth team players must have a BIFC uniform. Please reach out to if you do not have a uniform for this upcoming Fall season.

*Registration Includes: ​

  • Equipment costs per team (balls, cones and pinnies etc)

  • BC Soccer membership fees

  • North Shore Youth Soccer Associations fees

  • Referee Fees

  • Field rental

  • Volunteer coaches gear

  • Coaching certification/development courses

  • Coaches and managers First Aid certification


What To Bring: Cleats, shin guards and a water bottle. Cleats can be purchased at Macey's (North Van), Sport Chek, Canadian Tire, or the Knick Knack Nook sometimes has used cleats. We encourage players to wear shin pads under their soccer socks or track pants.


Rain or Shine: Soccer in BC means getting used to playing in wet (and sometimes cold) conditions. Please dress your child in appropriate clothing for outdoor activity and it is very important to keep your child as warm and dry as possible. Please use BIFC clothing (or red soccer or sports clothing) whenever possible.


Number of Sessions: U5 and U6: 8 / U7: 15


*Registration Includes: 

  • T-shirts for newly-registered players

  • Equipment costs per team (goals, balls, cones and pinnies)

  • BC Soccer membership fees

  • Field rental

  • Coaches and Managers First Aid certification

  • Coaching certification/development courses

  • Coaches gear

Uniform: Registration includes a BIFC T-shirt for new players.

Under-5s: At least one parent and/or guardian must stay with their child for the session.

What To Bring: Cleats, shin guards and a water bottle. Cleats can be purchased at Macey's (North Van), Sport Chek, Canadian Tire, or the Knick Knack Nook sometimes has used cleats. We encourage players to wear shin pads under their soccer socks or track pants.

Moving Up: Should some players excel at their age level, then consideration will be given to moving them up an age level to encourage their development. Some players who are at the U7 may be considered ready to join our youth teams and there have been examples of Mini House aged players playing up wth our youth teams. This would occur only if the Club TD, parents(s) and respective coaches feel it would be in the best interest of the player and his/her overall development.



Programs: We currently offer three programs aimed at adult soccer players, Adult Coed, Women's Soccer and Fifty Plus.

Format: Each program utilizes a pick-up style format where players are divided into 2 teams on the night to create a competitive atmosphere, as well an opportunity to play with different players each night. Players can sign up on TeamSnap so that everybody can track availibility.


  • Provide an accessible developmental game environment for adult players of all levels.

  • Use the competition and collaboration inherent in sport to practice the ethos of the league ● Provide peer based opportunities for players to learn and develop with support from one another.

  • Instill in every participant a pride at being a part of Bowen Island Football Club and what it stands for in the community.

  • Celebrate the game, each other and our community.

  • At the end of every season, we want players in our league to celebrate what they were a part of, feel like they grew personally and technically, and to feel proud of what the club is creating.

Uniforms: Players are asked to bring a Red and a Black jersey each night, these are available for purchase via Registration for anyone that does not already have jerseys.


What To Bring: We recommend that all players wear cleats and shin guards and dress appropriately for the weather.

Cost Breakdown: We have updated the fee structure to ensure clarity for the upcoming year and have included a discount for younger players (25 years and younger), free summer session for those registered for either the Fall or Spring session, as well as an Annual Fee that covers all sessions: 

Adult Coed:

  • Spring or Fall only: 

    • Born 1999 or after: $75 (equivalent to $2.50 per night) 

    • Born 1998 or before: $150 (equivalent to $5.00 per night) 

  • Summer only: 

    • $50 (equivalent to $1.66 per night) 

    • Free for anyone who registered for the previous Fall or Spring Session. 

  • Annual Fee: $220. Includes Registration for all 3 seasons 

Women's Soccer:

  • Spring or Fall only: $100

  • Summer only: $50

  • Annual Fee: $220 (Allows players to also participate in Adult Coed)

Over Fifties:

  • Spring or Fall only: $100

  • Summer only: $50

  • Annual Fee: $220 (Allows players to also participate in Adult Coed)



For matters relating to on-field questions or concerns please contact the Club GM/TD. For matters relating to off-field issues such as registrations contact Club Coordinator



Canada Soccer Logo


Bowen Island FC acknowledges and is thankful to train and play on the territory of the Coast Salish people, specifically the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) Nation.

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