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At its core, Bowen Island FC is about contributing to our community. For more than 15 years the strength of our Club has been the incredible group of people who have dedicated and committed their time, energy, passions and love for their community. Without this incredible group of people we would not be the Club we are today. Perhaps no other Club in BC relies on its group of volunteers more than BIFC and we are incredibly grateful and appreciative of all the people who have contributed to our success over the years.

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We’re always on the lookout for more support, and this can come in numerous different ways, so even if you’ve never kicked a ball before there’s likely a skill that you could bring that we would be able to make use of.


If you’re interested in volunteering, please reach out to us at


Currently we’re looking to fill the following Volunteer Roles:

  • Board Members for 2025

  • Marketing Support

  • Coaches/Managers

  • Community Events (Canada Day, Bowfest Support)


Board Members:

Our current board is elected until Spring 2025 but it’s never too early to start thinking about next year. If you’d like to be part of planning for the long-term success of the Club by joining the Board please let us know and we’ll keep you informed of all the latest developments and ensure you’re aware of the date of our next AGM.


We are very much aware that the community is what makes Bowen Island so great, and that with that comes a lot of asks for your time already, so we really appreciate you considering supporting Bowen Island Football Club in this way. Again, I’d like to thank all our current volunteers for their dedication and for making the Club what it is. We hope to hear from you, and as always, see you out on the pitch.


Marketing Volunteer/Intern:

In recent months we’ve been focused on developing the BIFC Brand to allow for a stronger and more easily navigated website, exciting new BIFC merchandise (coming soon) and a more prominent and engaging social media experience. This initiative has been spearheaded by Board Member Andy Gillooley with support from on Island Marketing Agency Brndmrk (Jade Pover). During this work they have established clear Brand Guidelines and Social Media Templates and are now looking for support in managing our social media channels.


This is a role that would be perfect for a young member of the community with an interest in social media, video editing, design or photography, or a desire to start a career in sports marketing. We’d look to provide expert coaching and mentorship and would be able to count these hours towards volunteer commitments required for schooling.


Coaches & Managers:

We’re always searching for new coaches and managers to join our roster, so if you have an interest in this please reach out to us. Our coaches tell us of what a rewarding role this is as we see our players develop their skills with us, and we have a strong support network that offers relevant training and accreditation. We’d love to have you join the team, so if you have an interest, please reach out to


Community Events Support:

We’re still in the early planning stages but want to make sure that we have a presence at Bowen Island Community events such as Canada Day and Bowfest. We’d love to have support with planning as well as setting up and managing our stalls during the day of the events, so if this is something you’d like to be a part of please let us know.


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